Pytania i odpowiedzi o Ibuprom dla dzieci Forte
Przygotowaliśmy odpowiedzi na najbardziej nurtujące i najczęściej powtarzające sie pytania dotyczące produktu Ibuprom dla dzieci Forte. Zachęcamy wszystkie mamy do zapoznania się z nimi.
To jest lek. Dla bezpieczeństwa stosuj go zgodnie z ulotką dołączoną do opakowania i tylko wtedy, gdy jest to konieczne. W przypadku wątpliwości skonsultuj się z lekarzem lub farmaceutą.
Ibuprom dla Dzieci Forte to lek na gorączkę i ból – jeden lek na 10 najczęstszych dziecięcych dolegliwości.
Zwalcza gorączkę różnego pochodzenia (także w przebiegu zakażeń wirusowych, w przebiegu odczynu poszczepiennego) i różne bóle od łagodnych do umiarkowanych:
Warto sięgnąć po lek Ibuprom dla dzieci Forte, ponieważ:
*Leki na gorączkę i ból dla Dzieci – postrzeganie matek, N=185, 92% matek dzieci w wieku 0-10 zgadza się że stwierdzenie „Ibuprom dla Dzieci Forte smakuje dziecku” pasuje do marki Q2 2022, IQS
** U osób z wrażliwym przewodem pokarmowym zaleca się zażywać produkt leczniczy podczas posiłku lub popijanie mlekiem.
Dawkę leku dobiera się według masy ciała dziecka (przedziały wagowe podane są jedynie orientacyjnie). Lek powinno się odmierzyć dołączoną do opakowania strzykawką umożliwiającą precyzyjne dawkowanie. Dawka dobowa Ibuprom dla Dzieci Forte wynosi 20 do 30 mg/kg masy ciała w dawkach podzielonych. Należy zachować przerwę pomiędzy dawkami 6 do 8 godzin. Dawkowanie określa ulotka dla pacjenta, można też dodatkowo skorzystać z poniższego kalkulatora dawkowania.
Pamiętaj, aby zachować 6 do 8 godzin przerwy pomiędzy dawkami.
Za mała masa ciała dziecka. Lek jest dostępny dla dzieci powyżej 5 kg masy ciała.
Dla pacjentów powyżej 40 kg polecamy Ibuprom w tabletkach lub kapsułkach
Lek bez konsultacji lekarskiej można stosować do 3 dni. Jeżeli u dzieci w wieku powyżej 6 miesięcy po 3 dniach stosowania leku wciąż jest konieczne dalsze jego podawanie lub stan pacjenta się pogarsza, należy skontaktować się z lekarzem.
Lek można podawać co 6 – 8 godzin.
Działanie przeciwbólowe i przeciwgorączkowe ibuprofenu rozpoczyna się w ciągu 30 minut od przyjęcia leku.
Lek może być podany bezpośrednio lub rozpuszczony w wodzie lub soku.
Substancją czynną jest ibuprofen o stężeniu 200 mg/ 5 ml. Substancje pomocnicze: sodu benzoesan (E 211), kwas cytrynowy, sodu cytrynian, sacharyna sodowa, sodu chlorek, hypromeloza 15 cP, guma ksantan, maltitol ciekły, glicerol, taumatyna (E 957), aromat truskawkowy (zawiera substancje identyczne z naturalnymi aromatami, naturalne aromaty, maltodekstrynę, cytrynian trietylu, glikol propylenowy i alkohol benzylowy), woda oczyszczona.
Ibuprom dla Dzieci Forte można podawać dzieciom w wieku od 3 miesięcy.
Ibuprom dla Dzieci Forte jest o smaku truskawkowym, akceptowanym przez dzieci*, co może ułatwiać podanie.
*Leki na gorączkę i ból dla Dzieci – postrzeganie matek, N=185, 92% matek dzieci w wieku 0-10 zgadza się że stwierdzenie „Ibuprom dla Dzieci Forte smakuje dziecku” pasuje do marki Q2 2022, IQS
Lek jest dostępny w dwóch pojemnościach:
Dostępność obu wariantów można sprawdzić na (linki powyżej) i w serwisie
Cena Ibupromu dla Dzieci Forte różni się w zależności od apteki i rozmiaru, zaczyna się od około 25 zł. Najkorzystniejszą cenę można sprawdzić w serwisach lub
SIL dla pacjenta zgodny z ChPL 2021-05-27
Ibuprom dla Dzieci Forte: ibuprofen 200 mg/5 ml, zawiesina doustna. Wskazania: gorączka różnego pochodzenia (także w przebiegu zakażeń wirusowych, w przebiegu odczynu poszczepiennego). Bóle różnego pochodzenia o nasileniu łagodnym do umiarkowanego: bóle głowy, gardła i mięśni np. w przebiegu zakażeń wirusowych; bóle mięśni, stawów i kości, na skutek urazów narządu ruchu (nadwyrężenia, skręcenia); bóle na skutek urazów tkanek miękkich, bóle pooperacyjne; bóle zębów, bóle po zabiegach stomatologicznych, bóle na skutek ząbkowania; bóle głowy; bóle uszu występujące w stanach zapalnych ucha środkowego. Podmiot odpowiedzialny: US Pharmacia Sp. z o.o. ul. Ziębicka 40, 50-507 Wrocław.
Before you click "Go to the Website" or close the window by clicking ×, please read the following information, as it concerns your personal data.
By clicking "Go to the website" or by closing this window, you consent to the processing of your personal data on the terms described below.
The administrator of personal data of people visiting our websites is USP Zdrowie sp. z o.o. with headquarters in Poleczki 35 street, Warsaw 02-822, Poland.
As part of USP Zdrowie services, we will collect information about the use of our websites. The scope of data collected by us includes, among others information stored in cookies, user's IP, as well as information about your device and browser.
Your data will be used by us for the following purposes: (i) providing you with access to a safe and functional website; (ii) conducting analyzes that allow to study the ways of using our websites and use their functionalities and content, as well as to improve and streamline them; (iii) marketing, including presenting you with advertisements and messages tailored to your interests and preferences (profiling).
The use of our websites will involve the use of technologies provided by third parties (e.g. Google, Facebook). As USP Zdrowie, we provide you with the opportunity to consent to the transfer of your data to the groups of recipients indicated by us by accepting all or some of the purposes of processing.
USP Zdrowie provides each user of our websites with the opportunity to exercise the right to request access to his personal data, rectify it, delete or limit processing, exercise the right to object to processing, as well as the right to transfer data. in the event that the legal basis for the processing of your personal data is your consent - we provide you with the possibility of withdrawing it at any time through dedicated mechanisms for managing privacy settings.
You can contact USP Zdrowie by: (i) sending an e-mail to the following address:; (ii) sending a letter to the following address: USP Zdrowie sp. z o.o., Poleczki 35 street, Warsaw 02-822, Poland.
Detailed information related to the rules for the processing of your personal data on individual USP Zdrowie websites can be found in our Privacy Policy (PL).
Below you can choose to accept all or some of the processing purposes. We will be happy if you decide to help us improve our services and websites!
Service | Description | State |
Solutions necessary to provide the service by electronic means | ||
as part of our Websites, we use the localStorage solution. localStorage is a file created by the user's browser installed on his device. Thanks to the localStorage mechanism, we are able to provide our users with access to efficient and safe websites and the ability to use their functionalities (e.g. remembering your privacy settings and the possibility of changing them, remembering preferences related to the selected language of displaying the website, the ability to add products to the basket). Information saved and used as part of the localStorage mechanism will not be used to conduct marketing activities. The localStorage mechanism is necessary to provide our services in the form of Websites (Article 6 (1) (b) of the GDPR). | ||
Analytical cookies: | ||
cookies that are used for advanced analysis of user behavior on our websites. Analytical cookies are used, among others to analyze user behavior on Websites in order to optimize the appearance, content and functionality of websites. The legal basis for the processing of these types of cookies is your voluntary consent (Article 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR), which you can express and withdraw at any time using the functionality of our websites. Currently, USP Zdrowie uses the following analytical cookies: | ||
Google Analytics | an online tool for analyzing website statistics. The tool allows us to track traffic on our websites, including the ability to analyze user behavior on websites. Based on the data collected using Google Analytics, we are able to develop our websites and provide a friendly appearance of the website and add new, useful functionalities. Google Analytics is provided and operated by Google Ireland Limited. More information on the rules governing the processing of personal data by Google can be found here: | |
Google Tag Manager | tag management system developed by Google to manage JavaScript and HTML tags used for tracking and analysis on websites. Google Tag Manager is provided and operated by Google Ireland Limited. More information on the principles of personal data processing by Google can be found here: | |
HotJar | tool for analyzing user behavior on the website using, among others heat maps (analysis of the user's cursor behavior on the website). With this tool, we can design our websites more effectively and improve their readability and functionality. HotJar is provided and operated by Hotjar Limited. More information on the principles of personal data processing by HotJar can be found here: | |
Marketing cookies: | ||
cookies that allow us to conduct activities related to the promotion of our services, products and websites. This category of cookies will be used, inter alia, in order to show you advertisements tailored to your preferences or provide other marketing content. The legal basis for the processing of these types of cookies is your voluntary consent (Article 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR), which you can express and withdraw at any time using the functionality of our websites. Currently, USP Zdrowie uses the following marketing cookies: | ||
Facebook Pixel | the Facebook Pixel tool is a piece of code on the website that allows you to measure, optimize and create groups of recipients of advertising campaigns on Facebook. The operation of this tool enables us to run more effective advertising campaigns and provide you with content that may be of real interest to you. Facebook Pixel is provided and operated by Facebook Ireland Limited. Facebook Pixel collects basic information stored in the cookie and information about the website and your activity. Facebook Ireland Limited may transfer personal data of its users to the United States of America, based on the legal mechanisms provided for in applicable law. The basis for the transfer of your data in some cases may also be your consent, which we collect as part of our websites. therefore, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that the law on the protection of personal data in the United States of America differs from European legislation and may not provide you with the same rights as those provided for by the provisions in force in Poland, and in some cases it may also combine with the possibility of access to your data by the authorities and services of a third country. in order to ensure the fullest protection of your rights and freedoms, the mechanisms used as part of the Facebook Pixel tool prevent your identification data from being identified and are subject to automatic processes of their removal in short periods.
We would also like to inform you that when using the Facebook Pixel USP Zdrowie tool, it complies with the current Regulations of Facebook Business Tools, including the agreements on the principles of co-administration of personal data. in order to fulfill the obligation resulting from the provisions of data protection law, we would like to inform you that in the scope of processing information collected using the Facebook Pixel tool:
LinkedIn Insight Tag | short code in Java Script technology that supports conversion tracking, website audience and site demographics for LinkedIn advertising campaigns. The operation of this tool enables us to run more effective advertising campaigns and provide you with content that may be of real interest to you. The LinkedIn Insight Tag is provided and operated by LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company. More information on the rules for the processing of personal data with the processing of personal data by LinkedIn can be found here: | |
Google Ads | tool that is one of the elements of the Google advertising system, allowing the display of sponsored links in the search results of the Google Search Engine and on websites of entities cooperating with Google. The Google Ads tool is provided and operated by Google Ireland Limited. More information on the principles of personal data processing by Google can be found here: | |
SALESmanago | tool enabling the identification and monitoring of contacts and users on websites and conducting personalized marketing communication. The SALESmanago tool is provided and operated by our partner, Benhauer Sp. z o.o. More information on the principles of personal data processing using the SALESmanago tool can be found here: | |
AppNexus / Xaxis Turbine | Xaxis is a global digital media platform that programmatically connects advertisers with audiences. More information on the principles of personal data processing using the Xaxis Turbine tool can be found here: | |
Selectivv | tool enabling user data segmentation, used to target emissions as part of an advertising campaign. More about the rules on the site: | |
Campaign Manager 360 | system for managing advertisements and measuring their effectiveness, designed for advertisers and media agencies. It is part of the Google Marketing Platform provided and operated by Google Ireland Limited. More information on the principles of personal data processing by Google can be found here: | |
Revhunter | A tool that allows you to send advertisements to users of the Administrator's website in the form of e-mail messages that are tailored to the user's actions and behavior on the website. The retargeting service is performed via the Revhunter tool, which belongs to INIS sp. z o.o. with headquarters in Rybnik at Raciborska 35a street, Poland (TAX ID: 6423128785). More info on page: | |
CAKE | cloud-based tool that enables campaign management, optimization and monitoring of partners in the area of performance marketing. More information here: | | | tool enabling identification and monitoring of contacts and users on websites and conducting personalized marketing communication. The tool is provided and operated by our partner, Sp. z o.o. More information on the principles of personal data processing using the tool can be found here: | | | is a tool for automating business processes, enabling integrations with other systems, analyzing user behavior on websites, and delivering personalized content and experiences. is provided and supported by Inc. You can find more information about the personal data processing policies using the tool here: | |
TikTok Pixel | TikTok Pixel - A tool to integrate with your website that allows you to share website events with TikTok. When used with TikTok for Business tools, the Pixel can measure website traffic, assess the effectiveness of ad campaigns, optimize campaigns, and acquire new customers. Once properly set up and verified, the Pixel conveys information about actions taken on your site according to the events you have configured, which reflect the entire customer journey from viewing a product details page to adding an item to a cart and making a purchase. The Pixel collects data available via standard web browsers, including information about ads or events, timestamps, IP addresses, device data, and cookies that support the measurement, optimization, and targeting of your campaigns. In the future, this data will enable TikTok to customize recommendations for Pixel event settings and offer automated solutions. More information about this tool can be found in TikTok's Privacy Policy and TikTok Business Product Terms |
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